Sunday, April 17, 2011

Wood Badge

I just completed Wood Badge. This time I was on staff as a troop guide. This meant that I got to spend a lot of time preparing to give several presentations on communication, managing conflict and the aims of scouting. I served as a mentor for 5 other adult leaders who were going through Wood Badge for the first time. If you have never been to Wood Badge it really is impossible to explain what happens there. It is a week long, intense training on how to be an effective and dedicated leader. Although it is presented in a scouting format, the lessons and principles really apply to every aspect of life. One of the most common comments from participants is that the course is "life-altering". I really believe that is the case.

Part of Wood Badge is that you set goals, at least 5, that will make you stretch and grow as a leader. These goals can be related to scouting but they can also be things that will make you a better person and thus a better scout leader. It is amazing because many of the participants are in their 60s and 70s. They come away saying things like, " I have been in scouting all of my life and I have learned that there are many things that I should have known and now will do differently." It just goes to show you that you are never to old to quit learning. As soon as you quit learning and growing you wither up and die.

One of the things that is truly amazing about Wood Badge is the Spirit that is there. Scouting is truly an inspired program and I truly believe that the Lord wants his scout leaders to be spiritually minded and lead the young men to develop stronger testimonies of Christ. We develop a close bond with each other because of the spiritual atmosphere that is there. You become very introspective as you try and think of ways that you can grow and learn. Many tears are shed as we say good-bye to best friends who only a week ago were total strangers. The spiritual atmosphere is not there by accident. As a staff we spent a lot of time preparing. The people that are chosen to be on staff are prayerfully selected. The staff development sessions that we have are started and concluded with a kneeling prayer. We also prayerfully select which participants will be in which patrol. There is great wisdom in this.

While at Wood Badge, even though it is not required, I decided to write up goals for myself. One of those goals was to post a blog entry at least once a week. This is my journal and my life story. I want to be able to share this with my family as time goes on.

I know that as I write I will be reminded of many ways that the Lord has blessed my life and the lives of my wife and children. I hope that through this I will be a better husband and father.

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